Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Office...

So it is very strange for me to have a 'normal' 8-5 desk job. My employment history thus far includes:
1. Christian Family Guest Ranch
2. Nanny
3. Singer/dancer for six flags
4. AAA Baseball promotional intern
5. Aeropostale
6. Apartment RA
7. Starbucks
8. Nanny again
9. Aerobics Instructor
10. Personal Trainer

So sitting at a desk in a chair typing and calling is not the norm for me...in fact this is a first! I decided to go ahead and rejoin the YMCA because it is literally across the street, and I know that if the gym aint close you won't see me there! So far so good I have been going in the mornings before work. I leave the house about 5:30-5:45. I like it better this way b/c then I have the whole evening for Cody! I think office jobs can be very hazardous to the health and here's why....

Hazards of an office job:
1. Candy on my desk...bad idea
2. Sitting all day...doesn't that cause blood clots or something
3. The need to feed....namely snacking (it's so easy!)
4. Excessive Facebook stalking...this is never good. You should never know that your friends aunts sons neighbors niece just got diagnosed with IBS
5. Excessive Urination- I am drinking so many more liquids and thus have to use the potty every 5 seconds...Is this healthy? Can you drown yourself by drinking so much at your desk and never sweating any of it?

It's been an adjustment, but I am figuring out how to become a pro at being a cubicler! Any tips would be much appreciated!


Jenna B said...

Yay for your blog! I love having you on here more. Breaks up my day sitting behind a desk. I am the queen of filling 8-5 with nothing. It might drive you insane since you are so active. I web surf a lot. And make a lot of random spreadsheets for me and Blake. Oh, and I read a good book from 4-5 every day :)

Suzanne said...

so funny! Yes the life of an Office Dweller can be a bit hum-drum. And definitely can be hazardous to your health!

My only tip is to plan your lunch and snacks ahead of time, knowing that you'll want a snack rather than trying to avoid snacking all together.

Every monday, I bring lots of fresh fruit and veggies for the week (some I slice up ahead of time and put in baggies and others I slice in our break room) that way I'm never tempted to hit the vending machine or eat the office donuts.

Having a plan in place makes it much easier!

Stephanie said...

You're cracking me up. I never really had an office job where I had much time to spare, but I did try to make a habit of getting up and walking around for a few minutes every 15-20 minutes or so. Sometimes I'd even go walk some stairs, just to break up all the sitting... you'll settle in soon, I'm sure!

Lauren Williams said...

this is funny! maybe cube life is only temporary for you. now you can see while i feel like i SIT most of my life! ugh that's the part i don't like. if we could somehow conduct bussiness meetings while playing catch, return emails while stolling through a park... :)

Melissa said...

I am so excited to have you back at the Y. Even though we aren't working out regularly, the thought that we could (if we wanted to) makes me happy. I am really, really happy to have you back in zumba with me!

Your "Hazards" list cracks me up! I love it. Don't really have any helpful tips, sorry. I was not very good in the office. I worked in a cubicle for 6 years, and that's where I gained a ton of weight and started a sedentary lifestyle. I like all the advice everyone else has given you. It's all GREAT!