Four things you don't want to see when you get to your hotel:
4. Doors on the outside
3. 8 layers of paint on the exterior
2. Crap on your floor because it wasn't vacuumed
AND BY FAR the #1 thing you don't want to see...
1. 5-6 black curly hairs in the bath room/tub!!!! YUCK
La Quinta on 41st in failed miserably. Thank you hotwire for a beautiful suite at embassy suites in saved the day and my gag reflux
I am in Tulsa for 2 different college fairs. The people in my office told me not to expect a ton of reply cards (cards the students fill out with their info) since we are one of the smaller schools and this was the biggest college fair we go to. Well I am proud to announce we had 22 reply cards! We were only expecting like 5-8. So all in all it was a really successful day. Now I am just relaxing in the clean no hair in the bathroom hotel room while my student worker and friend Tacie is working on some homework. I am excited for tomorrow. I really feel like I am in my element. This job just comes naturally, and I am so thankful that the Lord has given me this opportunity!
Hayley--- I knew you would ROCK at college fairs!! You have such a warm and welcoming personality that I'm sure it makes it easier for high school students to approach your booth and learn about the school!!! AWESOME job with all the reply cards!!! Keep it up!!
(oh and yeah that first hotel-- SICK!! thank goodness for a new one!!)
I am so fortunate to have never faced number one at that list. I would have thrown up all over.
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