Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bridal Shoot

Hey guys well I have chosen 20 of the pictures from my swimsuit/fitness shoot for the photographer to edit, so hopefully soon I can post a few of those! Cody and I have a lot happening right now and I really need to update everyone on, but we just had girls night and it is after 2 AM so I decided to wait on the post b/c it is going to be very long, but I will provide an abridged version for those that don't really want the details.

There is this website online called I plan on making a portfolio for it once I gather all my shots. I went on there to their sections called "Casting" This is where local photographers can post if they are looking for a model for a certain shoot or if it is a newer photographer looking to get some pictures for their portfolio. Typically you do PT which stands for "Prints for time" This basically means everyone does everything for free and everyone benefits from the pics. On Monday I did a shoot with a very cool photographer named Christan Lane. She had made a post saying she needed some bridal shots, and so I thought "Hey that could work perfect b/c I could use a few of those for more commercial work" We had a really great time together and it was SUPER fast like...20 min! I knew she was good, but when I saw the pics I was even more impressed. She is truly talented. Here is a link to her blog where some pictures from my shoot are posted and you can check out her website too!


Stephanie said...

Hayley, you are just stunning!! Honestly beautiful inside AND out. I'm so excited for you and Cody and we will be praying for directions and the many decisions yet to be made. Love you, girl!

Maggi said...

Girlie Girlie, you have got it goin' on!!! You are to have you as my friend (

Thanks for sharing the pics!!!


Mary Morrow said...

she did an outstanding job! and you were a drop dead gorgeous bride for her!

Molly Morgan said...

Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful. I glow with an immeasurable smile of love just looking at you!

Melissa said...

Molly said it perfectly. Just looking at you and your beauty makes me smile and be in awe. You are beautiful inside and out and I am so blessed to be able to call you my friend. Love you!