Saturday, April 11, 2009

One Step Forward Two Steps Back

Oh man isn't it funny how when God gives you a step many times we begin to run with it. I just wanted to post a blog asking anyone who feels led to pray for Cody and I to please do so. We are really trying to seek the Lord and what he has for us, and it seems that he is revealing it to us literally one step at a time. I know for me sometimes I feel a pressure to have answers and an explanation, which I know is just a pressure that I put on myself. So for now we are going to continue to ask the Lord for direction and believe me we are totally open to WHATEVER He wants. As far as details go I have decided not to post anything until God works it out in us. Thank you for your prayers!


Molly Morgan said...

I know how hard it is to hold that excitment in when you truly want to follow God and you see the first step. But - as you realize - its being patient to wait for the second, then third , etc step. Then you FULLY see the path that God is leading you on - and it becomes sooo exciting to wait for the NEXT step to see where THAT will take you. Then you will be CERTAIN that this is God's path for you - and it is just so sweet. This is something that you need to practice and train to be able to do. What a wonderful opportunity for you both right now - to practice this. Remember Psalm 46:10 "Be STILL and KNOW that I am GOD!" (my emphasis)

Mary Morrow said...

I just want you to know that I'm praying for you guys!
We've been where you're at - not with moving, but other things in life - and I know how it feels to keep "changing your story" when you're sharing w/ loved ones what's going on - I think it's wise to keep it to yourself until the Lord resoundingly says "now you can share this w/ your friends & family!"
And whatever it is that He's up to - I know it's going to be an incredible journey for the two of you!

Love you!

BrieAnn said...

Jake and I also struggled with what we were supposed to be doing. We prayed and prayed, made plans, changed them, let doubt get in the way without realizing it. Sometimes He gives us everything we need, and we're doing everything we think we should to understand it, but we're just not quite ready for the big picture of it all. A quote I loved that helped me understand it was “faith and doubt cannot exist in the same mind at the same time, for one will dispel the other.” At any rate, we're moving to Chicago in the fall, and we know that is where we're supposed to be.

I'll certainly pray for you two because I know the peace that comes with knowing what God's will is for our lives.