Friday, July 10, 2009

When you steal from me...

I foil you! So this is what happens when you jack with my candy and then go to camp for a week to recruit...Don't mess with me b/c I can play hardball (Tiney and I did it together! The girls in the office rule!!!)

Let the prank war begin!


Sarah W said...

that's amazing! nobody steals candy from Hayley Bobay!

Suzanne said...


You've been in your office job less than a month and you already have begun a prank war!! let the office supplies stuck in jello, desks full of packing peanuts, and bizarre sticky note messages begin!!

lecia said...

well done hayley ann!

Stephanie said...

wow, remind me not to ever mess with you!!

Mary Morrow said...

you are an absolute RIOT!!!

Jenna B said...

oh my